
音乐之声 The Sound of Music (1965),导演: 罗伯特·怀斯


1.“I am pursuing the courage I lack.”(我在追求我所欠缺的勇气。)

2.“I wonder what grass tastes like.”(我想知道草是什么味道。)

3.“But I don’t have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldly clothes were given to the poor.”(但是我没有另外一个。当我们进入修道院时,我们的世俗服装被送给了穷人。)

4.“Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of…indigestion?”(小姐,你是打算在每一顿饭时,还是仅仅在晚餐时,带领我们穿过这个罕见而美妙的新世界……消化不良?)

5.“Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun.”(在某个地方有一位女士,我想她永远不会成为修女。)

6.“He’s got to at least pretend to work with these people. You must convince him. Maria: I can’t ask him to be less than he is.”(他至少要假装和这些人一起工作。你必须说服他。玛丽亚:我不能要求他比实际情况差。)

7.“I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I’m making.”(我希望你能欣赏我做出的牺牲。)

8.“Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.”(玛丽亚,这些墙并不是用来阻挡问题的。你必须面对他们。你必须过你生来注定要过的生活。)

9.“When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.”(当上帝关上一扇门,他会在某处打开一扇窗。)

10.“You can’t marry someone when you’re in love with someone else, can you?”(当你爱着别人时,你不可能和另外一个人结婚,你能做到吗?)

11.“You have to look for your life.”(你必须寻找生命中值得的东西。)

12.“I have confidence in sunshine. I have confidence in rain. I have confidence that spring will come again. Besides which you see I have confidence in me.”(我对阳光有信心。我对雨水有信心,我深信春天会再来。我对自己更有信心。)

13.“The hills are alive with the sound of music, with songs they have sung for a thousand years. The hills fill my heart with the sound of music. My heart wants to sing every song it hears.”(音乐声回荡在群山之间,传唱千年的歌声在飘扬。山峦唤起我心中的音乐,我的心想唱出听到的每首歌每件事。——玛丽亚)

14.“When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything.”(当你懂得这些曲调,你就可以能唱出所有曲调。——玛丽亚)

15.“When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feel so bad.”(当小狗汪汪叫,蜜蜂在嗡嗡响,当我感到悲伤的时候。我就会想起来这些我最喜欢的事情,让我感到不那么糟糕。——玛丽亚)

16.“You brought music back into the house. I had forgotten.”(你把音乐带回家中,我都忘了音乐。——冯·特拉普上校)

17.“After all, the wool from the black sheep is just as warm.”(毕竟,黑羊身上的毛,也一样温暖。——修女玛格丽塔)

18.“I need someone older and wiser, telling me what to do. You are seventeen going on eighteen. I’ll depend on you.”(我需要一个年长又智慧的人,告诉我该怎么做。你十七岁了,很快就满十八岁了。我就可以依靠你了。——罗尔夫和和莉泽尔)

19.“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, ’til you find your dream.”(登临每座高山,涉过无数溪流,追寻每道彩虹,直到寻获你心中的梦想。——修女院里的女院长)

20.“I must dream the things I am to do. I decide my life for myself.”(我必须梦想我所追求的事物,我要为我自己决定我的生活。)

